Select the right roofing materials to ensure longevity


Select the right roofing materials to ensure longevity

Harsh weather elements, quality of roofing materials and regular maintenance all have an impact on the longevity of your building’s roof. As the cold weather settles in across much of the country, the extreme weather conditions serve as a reminder to why selecting the appropriate roofing material can save you in the long run.


Not all roofing products are made equal. Depending on the climate your region typically deals with, you may need to consider looking for a product that is more conducive to heat reflectivity or that is capable of handling snowy, frigid temperatures.


GenFlex offers a wide range of products to suit your needs ranging from our EPDM line to our TPO selection. Along with our extensive accessory product line, your distributor can help you determine the best materials for your project.


Durability is essential to roof longevity. Selecting a high quality product that is designed to withstand the elements it will be facing is key to enhancing the life of your roof. Since many regions of the country will face some degree of cold, icy weather and a change to hotter weather, there is a concern for thermal shock, which is the leading cause of roof failures. Thermal shock occurs when the seasons change and roofing materials expand or contract to compensate for the changes. Some materials may not expand or contract at the same rate as other materials. GenFlex roofing membrane is designed to withstand the changing seasons due to its flexibility and elasticity. As roofs age, the roof materials become less flexible and small splits can occur.


Regular maintenance prevents major maintenance. Regular maintenance and roof inspections can also expand the lifespan of your building’s roof by fixing small problems before they become major roofing issues. To keep any small splits in your roof from becoming bigger problems, it is recommended to perform roof inspections at least twice a year. If you need a quick reminder about what to look for during your roof inspections, check out our blog post: It’s not too early to plan for harsh weather Part 1 and Part 2.


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